Current & Past Projects

Here's just a small sampling of the projects and programs we've undertaken to conserve Lake Sarah and connect our community over the years.

  • Phosphorous reduction to help clear the water. (Ongoing)

  • Invasive weed control to help lower phosphorus burden and improve Lake Sarah’s usability. (Ongoing)

  • Summer picnic, Fourth of July, Winterfest, and other events that are designed to bring us together around our enjoyment of our shared resource and its preservation.

  • Spring Ice Clean Up Day

  • Educational opportunities highlighting lakeshore property and watershed improvements and best practices property owners within the Lake Sarah watershed to lessen run off.

  • The lake outlet project to help stabilize water levels and improve flow.

  • Annual walleye stocking program and co-monitoring of the fishery with the DNR to influence policy and improve recreational fishing opportunities on the lake for the public to enjoy.

Description of current projects can be found on our committee pages: